Social & Influencer
Reach the right audiences in the places where they’re seeking inspiration—without relying on third-party cookies.

Inspire Kroger shoppers where they engage, discover, and share ideas.
Educate, inspire, and connect with purchase-based audiences on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, and trusted digital content creators with loyal, engaged followings. Brands can tap the power of these high-engagement platforms to reach new customers, re-engage with lapsed buyers, build loyalty with current customers, or re-market to prospective customers.
Reach your audience where they seek inspiration
PinterestShoppers are actively seeking ideas and inspiration from brands, making Pinterest a great place for brands to share product information and branded content.
Facebook/InstagramEngage with Kroger customers through exclusive targeting capabilities on the world’s largest social platform.
InfluencerInfluencer campaigns include paid amplification with 2MM+ impressions and first-party audience targeting.
Retail Media News & Insights
Insights, trends and news to help your brand inspire shoppers.