IAB Releases New Comprehensive Guide to Retail Media

December 11, 2023

When key members of a community gather to listen and share ideas with each other, good things can happen.

That’s how a diverse group of stakeholders—representing brands, ad tech, agencies, and retailers from across the media industry—collaborated to create the new Retail Media Buyer’s Guide.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) recently released this report representing a leap forward in the ad industry’s take on retail media. 

Retail media is revolutionizing advertising by making it more relevant, measurable, and effective. The impact of this third wave of digital advertising goes way beyond the walls of retailers, bringing personalized inspiration to consumers and accountability in advertising for brands. The entire media landscape benefits from retailer insights.

In such a rapidly changing industry, organizations like the IAB are essential for bringing together players from all sides to reach consensus and drive progress. 

I had the opportunity to be part of the IAB group who spent months of cooperation, commitment, and information sharing to make this guide happen. Together, we assembled a playbook that would serve as a deep educational resource for buyers to understand the opportunities retail media offers, as well as get up to speed on best practices.

Download the IAB Retail Media Buyer's Guide to learn more about:

  • Benefits and challenges of retail media: How to leverage retail data to deliver ads and promotions to the shoppers most likely to be interested—without sacrificing the customer experience.

  • Closed-loop measurement: Retail media networks can provide advertisers with a more complete view of the customer journey and isolate the impact of advertising investments.

  • Onsite, offsite, and in-store capabilities: The opportunity for retail media is vast and encompasses retail e-commerce platforms, third-party websites and apps, connected TV, social media, and physical store placements.

  • Fostering collaboration: How retailer, brand, and agency teams can successfully make the shift from mere information-sharing to cohesive execution across the entire planning funnel.

  • Audience and creative strategy: Understanding and utilizing purchase segments in your retail media strategy to create a seamless, comprehensive approach to reaching and engaging your target audience.

Stay tuned for more industry consensus-building in the days ahead. I'm excited to co-chair, with Jill Cruz of Publicis Groupe, the IAB committee on measurement standards. We'll be rallying all stakeholders on retail media measurement – including attribution guidelines, universal definitions, and best practices. Kroger Precision Marketing is proud to be a part of the IAB and a key contributor to the discussions and playbooks which will make retail media easier to activate.

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